Your world is bursting with opportunity. There are books, conversations, ideas, connections, realisations to be made about what it means to be here on this orb spinning through space. People of every sex find you irresistible and are just dying to jump into bed with you. There is no time for sleep. There is drinking to be done, drugs to be experimented with, life to be embraced in all its vibrant, sensory glory. You feel at one with life from its amoebic beginnings to its cosmic imploding end. You instinctively know the answers to all the questions. Humanity has been waiting for you.

Sound too good to be true? I’m afraid that it is.

Overnight the world changes. It is dark, frightening. Your thoughts scare you. Your body has given up, the physical exertion of getting out of bed is too much; you are baffled how everyone does this day upon day. You know you have nothing to say, so you don’t bother trying. You feel it is only a matter of time before those who love you find out what a terrible fraud you are. That there is nothing inside. That you do not deserve to be here. How can the world keep turning? You can’t understand why all these people are running around – busy, occupied. Do they not realise it is pointless? Give up the fight. Admit that we are just worthless vermin scuttling over the surface of the earth.

Welcome to the world of bipolar.


(By Sarah)